1. 定义“不可抗力”
a) 该障碍超出其合理控制范围;和
b) 该障碍在订立合同时无法被合理预见;同时
c) 障碍的后果无法被受影响的当事人合理避免或克服。
Definition. “Force Majeure” means the occurrence of an event or circumstance (“Force Majeure Event”) that prevents or impedes a party from performing one or more of its contractual obligations under the Contract, if and to the extent that the party affected by the impediment (“the Affected Party”) proves:
a) that such impediment is beyond its reasonable control; and
b) that it could not reasonably have been foreseen at the time of the conclusion of the Contract; and
c) that the effects of the impediment could not reasonably have been avoided or overcome by the Affected Party.
The definition of Force Majeure provides a lower threshold for invoking the clause than impossibility of performance. This is expressed by the reference to reasonableness in conditions (a) to (c) of the clause.
2. 列举不可抗力事件
在没有相反证据的情况下,下列影响一方当事人的事件应推定符合本不可抗力条款第 1条中规定的条件(a)和(b),受影响的当事人仅需证明该事件满足第一条中的条件(c):
Presumed Force Majeure Events. In the absence of proof to the contrary, the following events affecting a party shall be presumed to fulfil conditions (a) and (b) under paragraph 1 of this Clause, and the Affected Party only needs to prove that condition (c) of paragraph 1 is satisfied:
The Presumed Force Majeure Events commonly qualify as Force Majeure. It is therefore presumed that in the presence of one or more of these events the conditions of Force Majeure are fulfilled, and the Affected Party need not prove the conditions (a) and (b) of paragraph 1 of this Clause (i.e. that the event was out of its control and unforeseeable), leaving to the other party the burden of proving the contrary. The party invoking Force Majeure must in any case prove the existence of condition (c), i.e. that the effects of the impediment could not reasonably have been avoided or overcome.
a) natural disaster or extreme natural event, including but not limited to earthquake, typhoon, tsunami, rainstorm, blizzard, cold wave, gale, sandstorm;
b) plague and epidemic;
c) war (whether declared or not), hostilities, invasion, act of foreign enemies, extensive military mobilization;
d) civil war, riot, rebellion and revolution, military or usurped power, insurrection, act of terrorism, sabotage or piracy;
e) act of authority whether lawful or unlawful, compliance with any regulation, law or governmental order (such as ban on transaction), expropriation, nationalization, requisition, seizure or frozen of account, financial policy, trade restrictions, unavailability of canal, embargo, sanction;
f) general labor disturbance such as boycott, strike and lock-out, go-slow, occupation of factories and premises;
g) explosion, fire, destruction of equipment, prolonged break-down of transport, telecommunication, information system or energy.
3. 通知义务
Notification. The Affected Party shall give notice of the event to the other party without any delay or in any event within fifteen days of the occurrence of the Force Majeure;
The Written notice shall include the identification and detailed description of such Force Majeure, the expected duration of the event and explanation of how such Force Majeure may impact the performance of the Contract;
The Affected Party shall identify the relief the force majeure notice seeks, such as extension of time to perform, fully or partially termination of the Contract. If needed, The Affected Party may explain the need to amend the Contract;
Force Majeure shall not relieve a party of its obligations or liability hereunder if the Affected party fails to give notice to the other party.
4. 不可抗力后的权利义务分配
Consequences of Force Majeure. A party successfully invoking this Clause is relieved from its duty to perform its obligations under the Contract and from any liability in damages or from any other contractual remedy for breach of the Contract from the time at which the impediment causes inability to perform, provided that:
a) the notice thereof is given without delay, and
b) the Affected party has taken all necessary steps towards mitigating the effect of such event, and
c) the Affected party is without fault.
Where the effect of the impediment or event invoked is temporary, The Affected Party must notify the other party as soon as the impediment ceases to impede perform.
Where the duration, the impact of the impediment invoked or the severity of the impediment has the effect of substantially depriving the contracting parties of what they were reasonably entitled to expect under the Contract, either party has the right to terminate the Contract by notification within a reasonable period to the other party.
If the Affected party is affected by a Force Majeure for a continuous period of 3 months (or for periods which, when aggregated over any period of 6 months totals 3 months) then the other party shall be entitled to terminate by notice in writing to the Affected party. In this event, the termination shall take effect after the notice is received by the Affected party.
[1] ICC 《不可抗力及艰难情形条款2020》(详版)第1条。